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The Latest News
2022 Annual Members Meeting
Hello Friend! How are you today? It’s that time of year for our (Virtual) Annual Meeting. Please help spread the word!
Join us on Tuesday, May 24th @ 5pm
Please e-mail us at for the meeting link.
Update: The Library will also be hosting the virtual meeting in the Staff/Board Meeting room. Friends members can come to the Library and ask at the 2nd Floor Information Desk for the location. The Staff will be happy to direct you to the meeting room.

You can join other Friends for our Annual Meeting. We will be reviewing the year, electing officers, adopting our 2022-2023 budget, and discussing the new renovated basement opportunities.

We would love to hear from you! If you would like to share your feedback, volunteer, or simply send us a note, please take a moment to fill out our 2022 Annual Meeting Feedback survey here.
We look forward to seeing you at our 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting and hearing your feedback. If you can, please spare a few moments to share your ideas via our survey.
Stay safe. Be well. Read often.
—The Friends of the West Lafayette Public Library
New Children’s Area is Now Open
After a couple years of renovations, the new Children’s Area at WLPL is now open! And what a beautiful space it is.
Watch a video tour of the new space on the Library’s Facebook page or click play below:
From Nick Schenkel, WLPL Director:
Our Library’s Children’s Room is now open to the public! Hope you can come in and enjoy the room in-person. So many thanks to Melissa Freed, her library staff and library volunteers for getting the room ready – much work went into getting us to this day.
Thank you to Melissa and everyone else involved! What do you think of the new children’s space? Have an idea for an event or programming, get in touch!
Wabash Area Lifetime Learning Association celebrates 30 years
We are happy to celebrate WALLA’s 30 years! As another group who collaborates with the community and WLPL, we couldn’t be happier.
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — At the youthful age of 96, Mary Gardner spoke at the 30th celebration banquet for the Wabash Area Lifetime Learning Association, which she helped create back in 1992.
WALLA is a non-profit educational association aimed at giving older adults in the Wabash area the opportunity to take classes taught by Purdue facility and members of the community.
Read the full article here: