Thank you for your support with the 2019 Spring Book Sale Fundraiser

Thank you, West Lafayette community and beyond!

We (almost) did it.  Between memberships, donations, and sales, we raised a little over $8700.  A mere $1300 short of our $10,000 goal.

The book sale by the numbers:

~970 boxes of books for sale

~700 boxes and bags of books sold

~$1500+ in direct, keep the change, donations

55+ volunteers processing, setting up, working, and tearing down the sale

Thank you again to everyone who helped the Friends with our annual Spring Book Sale Fundraiser.  Without our volunteers the Book Sale would not be possible.  Without our patrons, we would not be able to donate money back to the West Lafayette Public Library.

If you missed the sale or would like to help bridge this financial gap,  you donate directly to the Friends via our web site.

Donations to the Friends help support a wide variety of projects; Summer and Winter Reading Programs, Trivia Nights, Children’s Programming, Material Purchases, Craft Nights, and more!

If you have an idea to help improve the Library, please consider filling out a microgrant application.