Thank you for your support with the 2019 Spring Book Sale Fundraiser

Thank you, West Lafayette community and beyond!

We (almost) did it.  Between memberships, donations, and sales, we raised a little over $8700.  A mere $1300 short of our $10,000 goal.

The book sale by the numbers:

~970 boxes of books for sale

~700 boxes and bags of books sold

~$1500+ in direct, keep the change, donations

55+ volunteers processing, setting up, working, and tearing down the sale

Thank you again to everyone who helped the Friends with our annual Spring Book Sale Fundraiser.  Without our volunteers the Book Sale would not be possible.  Without our patrons, we would not be able to donate money back to the West Lafayette Public Library.

If you missed the sale or would like to help bridge this financial gap,  you donate directly to the Friends via our web site.

Donations to the Friends help support a wide variety of projects; Summer and Winter Reading Programs, Trivia Nights, Children’s Programming, Material Purchases, Craft Nights, and more!

If you have an idea to help improve the Library, please consider filling out a microgrant application.

2019 Spring Book Sale: March 29th – April 3rd

Interested in volunteering to help make this Book Sale a magnificent fundraising success?  Sign-up here.

Join your friends, neighbors, family, and other community members on March 29th – April 3rd, 2019 for the Friends’ Spring Book Sale this splendid time of year!

Here are the details:

Friends of the West Lafayette Public Library
208 W Columbia St West Lafayette, IN 47906

We are closer than you think!

70 minutes from Indianapolis

120 minutes from Chicago

30 minutes from Delphi

40 minutes from Crawfordsville

Preview for Friends-Only
join at the door:  $15
or $5 for students
Friday, March 29th  6:30pm-8:30pm
Full price Saturday, March 30th  10am-5pm
Half-price: Sunday, March 31st  1pm-5pm
 $5 Bag Sale Monday, April 1st  10am-8pm
 $3 Bag Sale Tuesday, April 2nd  10am-8pm
$1 Bag Sale Wednesday, April 3rd 10am-8pm

10K+ of books available, 90% donated
CDs, VHS, DVDs, art, magazines, and other items also available
Sorted, no buyer restrictions
Pricing $0.50 – $3 on most items
Credit cards accepted

Better books section includes books from Purdue community and beyond

Spread the word!  Support the Library!  Have fun!

We are on our way to the library.

We are looking to document our 2019 Spring Book Sale through a variety of arts.  If you are interested in photographing, sketching, drawing, painting, or other similar visual arts, just use the hastag #BookSale and include a link to this page when you post on the Internet.

If you want to be added to our volunteer system, please fill out this 2-minute form.

Purdue University Japanese After-School Program

Nov. 2018
Written by Nagi Fujie

Hello, I am Nagi, the organizer of Purdue University Japanese After-School Program.

I would like to share about this wonderful program with you!

What is “Purdue University Japanese After-School Program”?

The program aims to build a bridge between children in the community who have Japanese family background, and the Purdue students learning Japanese at an intermediate or higher level. It is a great chance for children to receive help or practice their English homework from the Purdue students. While helping, Purdue students get to use their target language, Japanese. It is a very friendly environment where everyone gets to learn, practice, and have fun!

For whom?
– 1st-8th grade children whose dominant language is Japanese

– Purdue University students enrolled in intermediate or higher Japanese courses

For what?

– Helping children with their school work and language skills

– Connecting Purdue students and Japanese families

1 hour session / week, for about 10 weeks each semester

At a meeting room of the West Lafayette Public Library.

Spring 2019 dates (tentative):
The week of Feb. 4th – The week of Apr. 15th

Questions about the program/joining the program

Please direct to the organizer, Nagi Fujie, <>

About the organizer
I have lived in West Lafayette since I was 10. Growing up in Japan until then, I struggled learning in English when I first arrived here. From my experience and my current position as an instructor of Japanese at Purdue, I wanted to create a program to help the Japanese children of the community, while helping Purdue students use their Japanese skill!


WLPL Community Conversation and Planning Workshop

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

Session 1: 3pm – 5pm
Session 2: 6pm – 8pm

The West Lafayette Public Library, in partnership with krM Architecture, will hold two community input sessions at the Library (208 W. Columbia Street). The sessions are part of a four month feasibility study that will inform future plans for the Library’s renovation project, scheduled to begin in early 2021.

2018 Fall Book Sale: October 26th – 31st

Join your friends, neighbors, family, and other community members on October 26th – 31st, 2018 for the Friends’ Fall Book Sale this spooky time of year!

Here are the details:

Friends of the West Lafayette Public Library
208 W Columbia St West Lafayette, IN 47906

We are closer than you think!

70 minutes from Indianapolis

120 minutes from Chicago

30 minutes from Delphi

40 minutes from Crawfordsville

Preview for Friends-Only
join at the door:  $15
or $5 for students
Friday, October 26th  6:30pm-8:30pm
Full price  Saturday, October 27th  10am-5pm
Half-price:  Sunday,October 28th  1pm-5pm
 $5 Bag Sale  Monday, October 29th  10am-8pm
 $3 Bag Sale  Tuesday,October 30th  10am-8pm
$1 Bag Sale Wednesday, October 31st 10am-6pm

1,000s of books available, 90% donated
CDs, VHS, DVDs, art, magazines, and other items also available
Sorted, no buyer restrictions
Pricing $0.50 – $3 on most items
Credit cards accepted

Better books section includes books from Purdue community and beyond

Spread the word!  Support the Library!  Have fun!

We are on our way to the library.

We are looking to document our 2018 Fall Book Sale through a variety of arts.  If you are interested in photographing, sketching, drawing, painting, or other similar visual arts, just use the #BookSale and include a link to this page when you post on the Internet.

If you want to be added to our volunteer system, please fill out this 2-minute form.