
Friends of WLPL Collection Highlights

We are asking Friends of the West Lafayette Public Library to share a book, album, film, or other material they enjoy that resides in the WLPL Collection (physical or digital).

Please share yours here:

Some titles that have been shared already:

TypeCoverTitleAuthor / CreatorFriend
Graphic NovelThe secret to superhuman strength / Alison BechdelThe secret to superhuman strengthBechdel, AlisonZachary
FilmDr. Strangelove : or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the bombDr. Strangelove : or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the bombStanley KubrickJoan
AlbumThe complete Riverside recordings. Volume 1 - 4 / Thelonious MonkThe complete Riverside recordings. Volume 1 – 4Thelonious MonkZachary
BookDictionary of gestures : expressive comportments and movements in use around the worldDictionary of gestures : expressive comportments and movements in use around the worldFrançois Caradec ; illustrated by Philippe Cousin ; translated by Chris ClarkeEmily

2019 WLPL Summer Programming Spotlight

[Guest post by Ashley Schoolman, Reference & Teen Librarian, and Ashley Meyer Cataloging & Reference Librarian]

Now that we’ve been abruptly plunged into winter, it’s nice to think back to warmer days. 

Every year, library staff work hard to create a fun Summer Reading Program that includes valuable ways to bring the library and community together. Many patrons are still enjoying the summer kick-off art installation created by local artist Bekki Canine with financial support from the Friends. To close this year’s Universe of Stories-themed SRP, West Lafayette Public Library partnered with the Wabash Valley Astronomical Society to open the West Lafayette Observatory to library patrons and community members on August 3rd.

While waiting for darkness to fall, library staff offered an astronomical spelling bee and attendees could create a planisphere with materials provided by WVAS. Throughout the evening, about 150 patrons wandered through the Observatory and grounds to watch slideshows about new NASA missions and the Solar System, use outdoor telescopes to view the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, and the Ring Nebula, and to get an up-close look at the surface of our moon through the Observatory’s installed 16” telescope.

Thank you to the Friends of the West Lafayette Public Library for providing refreshments for the evening and an honorarium to demonstrate our thanks to WVAS for their time, materials, and to support them in continuing their great work!

Learn more about Wabash Valley Astronomical Society at wvastro.org.


Purdue University Japanese After-School Program

Nov. 2018
Written by Nagi Fujie

Hello, I am Nagi, the organizer of Purdue University Japanese After-School Program.

I would like to share about this wonderful program with you!

What is “Purdue University Japanese After-School Program”?

The program aims to build a bridge between children in the community who have Japanese family background, and the Purdue students learning Japanese at an intermediate or higher level. It is a great chance for children to receive help or practice their English homework from the Purdue students. While helping, Purdue students get to use their target language, Japanese. It is a very friendly environment where everyone gets to learn, practice, and have fun!

For whom?
– 1st-8th grade children whose dominant language is Japanese

– Purdue University students enrolled in intermediate or higher Japanese courses

For what?

– Helping children with their school work and language skills

– Connecting Purdue students and Japanese families

1 hour session / week, for about 10 weeks each semester

At a meeting room of the West Lafayette Public Library.

Spring 2019 dates (tentative):
The week of Feb. 4th – The week of Apr. 15th

Questions about the program/joining the program

Please direct to the organizer, Nagi Fujie, <nfujieATpurdue.edu>

About the organizer
I have lived in West Lafayette since I was 10. Growing up in Japan until then, I struggled learning in English when I first arrived here. From my experience and my current position as an instructor of Japanese at Purdue, I wanted to create a program to help the Japanese children of the community, while helping Purdue students use their Japanese skill!


West Lafayette Musicale Announces Events for National Music Week

May 7-14 at West Lafayette Public Library

  • Sunday, May 7, 2 pm, Purdue Brass Quintet
  • Monday, May 8, 6:45 pm, Movie : “Florence Foster Jenkins” a “wanna be” opera singer, with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant sponsored by WALLA and WL Library
  • Tuesday, May 9, 2 pm, Tippecanotes Quartet
  • Wednesday, May 10, 6:30 pm, Dulcimer Gathering,
  • Thursday, May 11, 2 pm, Tippecanotes Quartet
  • Friday, May 12, 2 pm, Hammered Dulcimer
  • Saturday, May 13, 2 pm, Tippecanotes Chorus